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Hitting the slopes!
We went to Val Thorens! I had never been skiing, but desperate to go, so when my friends suggested a group trip with a great deal - I...

The "No-Frills" Guide to India
You can currently find this online at the JAVS (Journal of the Association of Veterinary Students) website - click here! "This is a frank...

Spreading the word!
Mid-revision for 4th year exams, a small group of us went to the local Primary school to teach both Years 1 and 2 about animals and where...

India 2016
Day 1: Nameste! After 28 hours of travelling and what felt like an entire day of 'dinner' (time zones, plane food blah blah..) Mr. Paneth...

LUVZS Day; Saturday 16th April 2016
Dr David Roberts from the University of Kent, provided a new insight into the rising levels of international wildlife trade present on...

The King of the Swingers
To explain the title before we go any further.. Orangutans! CHARITY CHARITY CHARITY! HELP HELP HELP This year LUVZS are running a 'Triple...
Edward Elkan Memorial Symposium
In the midst of January exams I took myself down to London for the Edward Elkan memorial symposium ran by John and Margaret Cooper....
VetsNorth Conference 2014
Recently, I was lucky enough to steward at a Veterinary conference in Manchester. We helped prepare the venue the day before and usher in...

Animal Welfare Foundation Discussion Forum 2014
It was the week before my first year exams began and as usual I had delayed the onset of my revision until last minute convincing myself...
Liverpool's Zoological Symposium Weekend
This weekend marked my first Symposium - I felt like an actual academic (clever, very clever..). It was an insightful, informative and...

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