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Zim Diaries
Friday 15th - Saturday 16th: The start to the trip didn't begin smoothly, and as it transpired my fortunes weren't to change...

1 down, 5 to go..
It'r rotations. After 6/36 weeks of constant assessment during rotations - I am ready for a 3-week break! Even if 2 of those weeks are...

LUVZS Day; Saturday 16th April 2016
Dr David Roberts from the University of Kent, provided a new insight into the rising levels of international wildlife trade present on...

Vets North; A Students Perspective
As usual, the supposedly relaxing holiday to Marrakech with my other half had been rather fast-paced, consisting of me racing around the...
AWF discussion forum 2015
For another year, I was pleased to be able to attend the AWF annual discussion forum and even more grateful that, thanks to the General...

One of many trips to Formby Beach
Not the best motion pics, but I love them just becuase of how much fun Poppy is having.. Who would think this dog is nearly 11yo.. Think...

The King of the Swingers
To explain the title before we go any further.. Orangutans! CHARITY CHARITY CHARITY! HELP HELP HELP This year LUVZS are running a 'Triple...
Edward Elkan Memorial Symposium
In the midst of January exams I took myself down to London for the Edward Elkan memorial symposium ran by John and Margaret Cooper....
VetsNorth Conference 2014
Recently, I was lucky enough to steward at a Veterinary conference in Manchester. We helped prepare the venue the day before and usher in...

Animal Welfare Foundation Discussion Forum 2014
It was the week before my first year exams began and as usual I had delayed the onset of my revision until last minute convincing myself...

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