The final frontier!
The end of lectures came..and the celebrations began! We started drinking at 11am, by 2100 I was stumbling down cattle-grids on the walk home dressed as a lampshade!
British vet students don't know a good party that doesn't involved fancydress, and this theme was 'If I wasn't a vet'. When young-Beth wasn't collecting bugs and cuddling animals, she was watching 'Changing Rooms', and thought that Lawrence Lewellyn-Bowen was just.. marvelous - so with a lampshade, adorned with sofa, curtains, fairy lights and candlestick, we cracked open the Prosecco!
After 4 years of sat in a lecture theatre 9-5, this moment represented a LOT of change - great in some ways, daunting in others. No more lectures means rotations begin. Up until this point, I have been looking forward to rotations, but as it approached, the seeds of doubt began to sprout in my mind and suddenly my confidence began to crash. Thankfully, since I am writing this retrospectively I can tell you that once the stress and associated anxiety of exams was over, 4-weeks of EMS, re-invoked my excitement in the start of rotations! I haven't been so excited for anything, since starting vet school - bring it on Equine Ortho!